answer #4, im rather curious to hear your answer GARBriel
4) Who deserves to make All Stars and why?
Kelly B- was hilariously bad at grammar but deserves another shot
Erik- never showed up but could have potientially kicked a lot of ass if he tried! A real All Star!
Misty- May be completely forgettable but could play a strong UTR game if in AS
NaOnka- She didnt show for the challenge but could have gone far if she wasn't inactive.
Brett, Fabio, and
Kelly- 3 clones removed from the game for cheating but had such a major impact that they should be returned as one single entity,
Brefablly to spice up the All Star season!
Carolina- What would AS be without annoying JTLyric around to harass everyone involved to play in his sinking ship doomed series?
Kelly C- A real character who almost saved herself in the individual immunity challenge, but then totally didn't. The Tiberian Princess returns to All Stars!
Dolly- A sweet, inactive self-voter who is only vaguely remembered by most, Dolly is a surprise pick! Will she fade away this time at All Stars?
Brandon- A quiet, slain member of the original Tiberius tribe. Will he actually talk after a tribe swap to avoid dying? Let's find out in All Stars!
Ami- She posted on the boards frequently, then was voted out for some reason! Will she post on the boards a lot again in ALL STARS???
Melinda- A complete nutcase who after being resurrected squandered her second chance by going on a psychotic rant about flash games and mental illness. She asked for an extention, and now she's getting it... in All Stars!!!
Spencer- The biggest prejury player, Spencer was a threat to win up until he didnt win! Will he win this time.... in ALL STARS???
Sash- Told everyone to vote him off, then changed his mind after it was just too late. He failed to turn around the aftermath of his own blunders the first time, will he manage to turn things around as our next All Star???
Shannon- Is he a man or is he a bot? Doesnt matter, he's an All Star through and through!
Amber- Probably the person who hated Courtney the most in the game they had a fascinating hate-hate relationship that should make its return to AS!
Peter- He went far for being a first boot. How far can this ginger bastard make it..... in ALL STARS?
Brenda- Already in as Amanda, but after being double-idol'd out of the game will she be able to go all the way in the 5th eSurvivor season???
Chase- Found an impossible idol, but then got screwed by not leaving a bootlist! Will he leave one next time.... in ALL STARS?
Courtney- had an awesome rivalry with Amber and fought hard until she was finally voted out at the f7. Will she slay all her enemies in ALL STARS?
Katie- One of the more awesome players in the game, fought hard until having work at the wrong time kicked her ass out of the game thanks to the eChallenge. Will she wash her Cups and Bowels in ALL STARS???
Danielle- The biggest threat to win in the entire game, Double D is the most obvious shoe-in for AS and should stop kidding herself that shes not.
Boo- One of the loudest and biggest personalities in the game, he was dead from the second he picked endurance against the Immunity Machine. Will he pick something a little easier like trivia or something in the 5th and final eSurvivor season???
Gabe- Some invisible mute guy that won a few immunities and did little else over the course of the game? Will he do something worthwhile in ALL STARS???
Earl- A Capri finalist, Earl has earned a spot. The only question is whill he vote with Tiberius this week.... in ALL STARS?
Benry- Benry won a shitload of immunities and probably did some other stuff too beyond starting fights in Tree Mail. Will he churn out immunity after immunity in ALL STARS???
There we go... that's everyone I can think of that could possibly have earned an AS spot in this game.
Just kidding. I'll do actual answers for this later... I need to think about it a bit.